Wednesday 7 February, 2007

One less worry

The biggest, most pressing thing I was worrying about has gone. Hurrah. I was worried that I needed a Visa and hadn't arranged one but I'm ok. I knew that if my passport was machine-readable I was ok but how could I tell if it was? After a bit of a trawl on the net I found out that if the inside cover (where one's picture is) has a couple of lines of letters, numbers and chevrons at the bottom then it *is* MR. Phew. So now we know.

Had a bit of a rearrange of my packing tonight too. I won't go into details, I won't bore you to death, but I'm more or less done now I think. Just a bit of washing to do and a few bits to pack that can't really be done til the last minute.

And I've got a mission. Well, two actually. One is to bring back a particular chocolate bar, a Zagnut, and the other is to watch a mate of mine being interviewed and check he's slyly inserting certain song titles. Try saying that with a Zagnut in your mouth.

Note to self - must write lists.


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