Thursday 10 June, 2004

Ho hum

First day back at work today. Booo! It went pretty quickly though. Thank God. It was the AGM at TLT last night (one of these days I'll put a link in there) which was a bit mind numbing. Copious amounts of cheese and wine followed, which I avoided like the plague after the events of Saturday. The sound 'engineer' asked me if I was a Lambrini Girl. I indignantly replied that I was not. I don't drink cheap plonk (unless its the £2 a bottle stuff at Aldi which is actually nice) and resent the implication that I'm some vacant little scrubber who can't tell a Merlot from meths. I'm a discerning drinker you know - I was tipsy on Mateus Rose when most other teenagers were getting blotto on Thunderbird and Woodpecker cider. But then you couldn't stick a candle in a bottle of Thunderbird and call it a lamp. Not unless you *wanted* to light yourself up like a Roman candle on Bonfire night.


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