Tuesday 14 August, 2007


I've expressed an opinion a few times now (not on here) that Sarah Kennedy drives me up the bloody wall with her morning radio show. In fact on Saturday on the way up to a friend's party I said as much to Jason who said he thought she was dotty but lovely. How amused was I this morning when I heard about this ?

So several listeners today have been prompted to complain about Sarah's slurring stumbling speech patterns yesterday. What I want to know is HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT FROM ANY OTHER FECKING DAY???!!!

I could happily rant for hours to anyone who will listen about SK. And yet I still have her show on first thing in the morning when I get up. I keep asking myself why. Why don't I tune to another station? I'm afraid I don't know. I do know that part of it is that I'm waiting for Terry Wogan to come on. I love Terry. Unfortunately I only get to listen to him for 15 minutes or so before I have to leave for work.

Oh well. Maybe one day I'll summon up the will to switch the daft old bat off.

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