Tuesday 9 December, 2008

Goodnight Bagpuss! Goodnight Ivor!

I've just learned of the death of Oliver Postgate and am really quite upset. He was a British institution and beloved of generations of children like me who grew up watching his 'Smallfilms' made with his partner in cuddly crime, Peter Firmin. I feel like a large part of my childhood has gone with him. Tonight I will honour him by cuddling my very own Bagpuss whilst eating chocolate biscuits made by a group of mice and singing songs of porcupine pin cushions and Tavish McTavish.


Blogger Paul said...

It's terrible isn't it? I have fond childhood memories of Ivor the Engine in particular.

It's not been a good year for the cream of creativity in TV and radio. First Geoffrey Perkins, Bob Spiers the other day and now Oliver Postgate. A sad time.

4:09 pm  

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