Thursday 17 June, 2004

Me neeeeerves

Ulp! Its the first night of our show at TLT tonight and I'm decidedly nervous. More so than I am with the usual shows. I'm not sure why this is - probably due to the singing which I am doing solo for a couple of numbers. Its not like you can fake anything when you go wrong with a song. You can't ad lib (unless you can rhyme at the same time) like a normal play. In the panto last year I forgot one line of 'Search for the Hero' and had to mumble as though the mic had broken until I remembered the last word of the line. Hopefully no-one noticed. People also tend to notice if your voice goes flat or wobbly, which wouldn't have been a problem with 'SFTH' - it would have lent it an air of authenticity.

Anyway, I intend to arm myself with a hip flask filled with Southern Comfort. Purely for mecidinal porpoises you understand.

Trying to take my mind off it by watching Richard and Judy, I was amused by a chap interviewed about his night terrors. A clip of a documentary he is in tonight showed one of those Star Trek collectable plates with a voice over saying he was a fan. Well, I think I'd be having night terrors too if i'd spent money on that tat.


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