Thursday 26 August, 2004


Took my mum for lunch today as it was her birthday this week. Not the usual procedure, believe it or not. Normally the three of us (me, mum & brother) would go for an evening meal but at the time of asking her what she wanted to do she and my brother weren't speaking to each other (he'd been a moody sod last time they'd met up and she wasn't putting up with it). So it was just the two of us. A nice change actually. I can cope with them individually but if the three of us were together they'd start bickering and I'd be looking for the nearest razor blade. Therein lies the tale of my birthday meal last month.

Anyway, mum started talking about the long promised trip to Paris for the three of us that she's been wanting to do for 11 years. I've never been to gay Paree and I got all excited thinking about how many croissants I could stuff myself with while cruising the Seine. The trouble is she's left it to my bro to look up flight and hotel prices. Big mistake. Good job my bro isn't God or we'd still be a lifeless planet. 'And yea on the fourth day God decided he'd had enough and couldn't be bothered creating life. "I'll do it tomorrow" he said. On the fifth day he'd apparently run out of money. On the sixth day he'd got a quote from the ocean maker but it was too high. On the seventh day he rested (ie played Minesweeper on his computer for the next millennium). And its been that way ever since.'

So I've offered to have a look myself. Well, if you want a job doing properly...


Blogger Trinity said...

sod paris. Its dirty hit eurodisney!! such fun!

10:21 pm  

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