Sunday 2 July, 2006

Win some, lose some

Ingrid didn't win the best actress award. Boo hoo, she wuz robbed! I felt sure she was going to win. Not that I make any claims I'm psychic or anything but I was just so damn sure. Oh well. She seems to be taking it ok though she was disappointed of course. She's still a star to me anyway and that's what I told her. If there was an award for loveliest best friend she'd get it.

Ok, enough slush.

We did win another award on the night. Not an official 'Best Director' award but an Adjudicator's discretionary award for the play that was on before ours & for direction. Big whoops of joy there then. So twas a good night all in all.

My faith in humanity was restored last night too. I had to make my own way to the awards in Prestwich which is a bit awkward to get to from Bolton on public transport. Getting there wasn't too bad. In fact, I managed to get there an hour early so I had to find somewhere to go for an hour. I managed to find a pub that wasn't full of footy fans or dodgy types and where I felt comfortable sitting on my own. It was getting home again that was the problem. Thanks to the ceremony taking fecking ages I managed to miss the last bus that went all the way to Bolton. Not to worry, I knew there was a bus from a nearby town, Radcliffe, that ran into the night. Except that it didn't start running until 1am. And it was midnight. Deciding that a taxi from Prestwich would be too expensive I opted to get a bus to Radcliffe anyway & find a taxi rank. Except that there weren't any. And there were loud chavs hanging about. And my mobile battery had almost run out. A couple pointed me in the vague direction of a taxi office but said it was a long walk and that I was best phoning them (oopsy - a bit difficult). After pottering about indecisively for 10 minutes or so I decided to walk in the direction of the office. Suddenly I got a bit panicky. I thought, "What the fuck am I doing? I've no definite idea of where this office is, only a vague direction and the streets are dark and quiet. Why the fuck am I heading out of town into unfamiliar territory?" But for some reason I felt I was doing the right thing and going the right way so I carried on. I was proved right. Shortly afterwards I saw a road sign to Bolton and realised exactly where I was. I came upon an Indian restaurant and one of the waiters was outside so I asked him where the taxi office was. He gave me directions but said that he was expecting one of their taxis for a customer anyway so he'd get them to send another one. A couple of his colleagues popped out to chat & make sure I was ok. The first chap then came out again & said he'd rung a taxi for me. What a lovely bloke. Ten minutes later my taxi arrived and I was on my way home. And even the taxi driver was absolutely lovely. Kept calling me 'Sweet' and told how he nearly finished his shift early as he'd had obnoxious footy fan knob heads in his cab all night. I thanked him for carrying on working, explaining that I'd nearly been stranded. And once I got home I gave him a large tip in gratitude & maybe a bit of sympathy. Such top blokes came to my rescue. Bless. I tried to remember the name of the curry house so I could send a word of thanks to them but I can't recall it now. Charcoal something or other. And the taxi firm was called United. Not that any of you are likely to be in Radcliffe probably but I'd just like to say how fab they are.


Blogger David O said...

It's extraordinary just how hellish using public transport can be in t'North West isn't it? At least you found a decent taxi in the end!

2:35 pm  
Blogger Spaceminx said...

I see you live in the delightful Chorley. I used to work there until four months ago. How is Booths these days?

9:48 pm  

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