Monday 25 April, 2005

Pets in a bag

Brain in a fog. Blah! Discovered Sainsburys chocolatey cup cakey things yesterday and now I am addicted. Sponge.... deep, dark sponge....with a ludicrous amount of chocolate moussey icing on top and a bit of flake drowning madly in it. Very messy but very yummy. I looked like a two year old with brown stuff round my gob. Heh heh. And I got chocolate under my nails. If I didn't wash my hands I could be nibbling on the stuff for weeks. Not to mention looking like someone who'd been at a fisting party but we won't go there.

Saturday morning was spent at work, god help me. I need the money. It was nice to be able to get alot done without the phones going off every five minutes though. I half heartedly attempted some shopping but got bored quickly so I went home & fell asleep in the armchair. Good job I did as I'd forgotten we were going to my uncle's 60th party that night. I really didn't want to go as I was knackered but forced myself to get tarted up in my spangly jeans and long red tunic top, straighten my hair and put my face on. Once I got there and got a pint down me I was ok and started to enjoy myself. Most of my aunts, uncles & cousins were there & it was lovely to see them. My aunty Joyce found it a good excuse to reminisce with my mum. Aunty Joyce used to babysit us alot when mum & dad were at work. She told me about my early kleptomania when I took some money from somewhere & toddled off to the shop on my own. I was only four apparently. She also told of the night my dad had got tickets to see Johnny Mathis but mum was too ill so he took Joyce with him instead. She got so carried away that she sat listening to him with her eyes closed and my dad said he might as well have bought her the bloody record. My uncle is a big Elvis fan so his son (my cousin) arranged an Elvis impersonator to DJ & sing. I'm not an Elvis fan but I thought he was really good. Definitely a 70s Elvis though. He looked like he'd been at the buffet early if you know what I mean. I didn't get up & dance at all but still ended up with a blister on my foot thanks to some slightly impractical shoes (and the walk to the bus stop). Mind you, for me anything other than trainers or Doc Martens is impractical. The girlie glamour puss in me wants to be able to wear Jimmy Choos but in reality I'd be attempting to hack my feet off at the ankles by the end of the night. Rather like those climbers you hear about getting trapped by a boulder and hacking their own arm off with a swiss army knife to get free.

Hmmmmmm. There's nothing like a bit of perspective is there?


Blogger Adriana said...

Now when it comes to girlie glamour shoes my advice is this:
If you're not used to them take a change of shoes, better yet, wear the change of shoes till you get to your party then change immediately when you leave. Or if it comes to it, sooner.
It's a pain to carry spare shoes but it's SO worth it in the long run.
This is the only solution until we find ourselves in a lifestyle where we're ferried about by car, door-to-door. Which, if I'm honest, is the main thing I miss about living in Australia. (Not that I was ferried about, but rather that public transport wasn't an option so therefore cars and impractical shoes were).
I seem to be rambling.
Oh and your fisting comment had me laughing a lot.

4:24 pm  
Blogger Spaceminx said...

I did that for a friend's wedding last year and was happy to come out of it unscathed. The shoes I wore last week don't usually hurt me so much which is why I was unprepared.

6:19 pm  

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