Wednesday 13 April, 2005

Making a hash

Bro has been shopping today and bought the ingredients for corned beef hash which I haven't had for years. So I got home and dinner was waiting for me for once. And I was actually home at a reasonable time too. Most nights for the last week I've still been at the office at 6pm which is very late for me. Its all down to my boss though who has to faff about with a particular database before I can print all the work off and fax it to the gangs. Needless to say he always takes ages, chatting to people along the way while I'm tapping my fingers impatiently and looking at my watch every five minutes. Today he was in earlier and chatted less thanks to my immediate supervisor type woman having a quiet word with him last night.

Anyhoo, I notice that Bro has bought a pack of four M&S custard tarts (two of which he's eaten) and a pack of two sticky toffee puddings & cream. The $64,000 question is whether he will share them. To be fair, he has given me the other two custards on previous occasions so my luck may be in tonight. However, last time he bought STP (at the weekend) he ate the whole lot himself. The last two times I bought them I shared them with him (I would say I gave him one but that would give you the wrong impression). So, is my brother a fat selfish bastard or not? Stay tuned......


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