Monday 15 August, 2005


The interview was cancelled on Friday. After I'd gone to the trouble of booking a day off at short notice I got a phone call to say that it was cancelled for some rather lame reason. I guess I was asking for too much money. FYI I didn't want huge amounts - just something equal to what I'm on at the moment. Is that too much to ask? Hmph! Their loss.

So, I would've had a nice little day off today except that our assistant team leader got in a bit of a flap because she and our team leader were out of the office today. So I offered to come in. Ever the martyr.... I may swing it that I get Friday off instead, or at least the afternoon, as I'm off to sunny Blackpool for a girlie weekend of boozin & dancin. Fab. I am, as ever, hoping that I'll pull but I didn't have much success last time. I'd dragged my mates into Flamingos promising them a great night but it was absolutely dead. I couldn't understand why. It was a weekend for crying out loud!!! So we gave up and ended up in Heaven & Hell which *did* turn out to be rather groovy. I Hope we get to go again. And I hope I have the energy.


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