Saturday 25 September, 2004

Silly names

Ok, so I totally forgot about the silliest thing that happened last week. I'd persuaded the friend I was staying with to let me watch Countryfile. Its my Sunday morning tradition to watch it over a bowl of Weetabix. They were doing a piece on a group of Scottish islanders who'd bought the island they lived on and their main interviewee was a chap called Willie McSporran! Imagine the hilarity that ensued. As our hostess pointed out, he sounded like a character from The Family Ness. Has that always been his name? Did he change it by deed poll as his original name didn't sound Scottish enough? Or because he's got a sporran fetish? We almost expected the next interviewee to be called Tavish McTavish or something.

And talking of silly names, there was a good one last night. Randy Budd I think he was called (my memory is not what it was). And its not only people. My brother bought a loaf from Sainsbury's last week dubbed 'tiger bread' because the crust was a bit stripy. We think they actually made a duff batch but decided to sell it anyway by giving it an appropriate name as though it was meant to happen. Anyway, I discovered this afternoon that he's bought another loaf - 'Hedgehog Bread'. Presumably because the crust was a bit spiky. Whatever next? Horse buns? Cow ciabatta? Fox focaccia? (try saying that when you've had a few).

By the way I'm changing my name by deed poll to something more Northern.

Betsy Black-Pudding


Blogger Trinity said...

suits you. Can I call you betty? wasn't that a song?

10:30 pm  

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