Saturday 12 February, 2005

Taps fingers.... scratches head...

I'm desperately searching for something, anything, vaguely interesting or entertaining that has happened to me this week. But dammit, if anything has I can't remember it. I've finally got around to having my hair cut this morning though. She wasn't my usual scissor sister but she did as good a job as Debbie and I really like my new do. My only grumble with that salon in general is that they never cut enough hair off. Usually with hairdressers its the other way round isn't it? But no. I say "Cut off a couple of inches." and they take off a couple of millimetres. I'm sure its so that you'll go more often and spend more money. I'm thinking of buying some hair dye too. One of those brands that promises 'multi-tonal' colour. I'd usually go for a vibrant red but I'm more inclined towards a dark, warm brown colour at the moment. It depends what they've got cheap in Bodycare anyways. Anything that covers up my grey hairs will do. Did anyone else first get grey hairs at 25? Or is that considered a bit early? My dad went prematurely grey after being a ginge for years and I'm hoping I've not inherited it.

Pancake day came and went in our house without any crepe consumption. Shame. I made a half hearted attempt by stopping at Sainsbury's on the way home from work and wandered round the aisles with a lemon in my hand searching for some ready made ones I could bung in the microwave. No such luck though. I picked up some pancake mix and looked at the instructions - 'Just add eggs and water'. So what the hell is in the mix then? If my memory serves, the only other pancake ingredient left is flour. So basically they're just putting flour in a different bag, calling it 'batter mix' and charging double for it. Bastards! I put it and the lemon back and walked out empty handed. Oh for the days when I was still living at Mums and she would make the mix while I was at work and I'd cook them when I got home.

Its my brother's birthday next weekend so I've been doing some shopping in Waterstones. I've got him Ray Mears' Bushcraft and a voucher. I was a bit lacking in inspiration but he did say he wanted either a Ray Mears book or vouchers so I got both. I bet Ray can make ace pancakes with just a twig, a pen-knife and some Kendal Mint Cake...


Blogger Trinity said...

You are extremely interesting Spaceminx xxx

8:38 pm  

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