Saturday 5 February, 2005

Hit me baby one more time

Bloody hell! Over 1000 hits. How on earth did that happen? You could knock me over with the proverbial feather.

Been off work poorly sick this week. One of my colleagues very kindly donated her cold to me by coughing frequently in my direction. Nice. Quite a feat considering she's hardly ever in. She takes the piss really. In the 2 months or so I've been with that team I'd guess she's only been in for 3 weeks in total. Why bother? What was funny was when I rang my line manager to tell her I wasn't going to be in. "I think Sheila has given me her cold." to which Kay replied "She hasn't been in long enough to do that has she?" I went back in after two days as I'd got sick to death of daytime telly, particularly ads for loan companies and personal injury ambulance chasers.

The theatre group did a charity fund raiser at a Conservative club near Bolton last night. Good fun it was though more nerve wracking than usual. Too close to the audience and you could actually see them. It went down well though. It was a slightly shortened version of the Mixed Grill we did in summer last year. I was in the Victoria Wood 'Groupies' sketch again (ssh don't tell her) and stripping down to my bloomers, corset and liberty bodice got a great laugh. I wish I had decent pics of it to post on here. Talking of Vicky, I've just been in HMV to buy the Acorn Antiques DVD only to find that it isn't out until Monday. Damn. So I bought the complete Coupling box-set instead which has finally been reduced to a more affordable price.


Blogger Trinity said...

I can't find your email addy anywhere's anyways what I was gonna say was, I thought that guy may have seen you in the caff!. I laughed at the bus drivers thing. You are so right and the uniforms hardly sexy. And hands off denis he's mine....though nothing wrong with being bi ;)

4:32 pm  

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