Sunday 7 October, 2007


Can I get one of these online?

Half of this weekend I've spent uploading lots of lovely things to my new ipod. I still can't get over being able to watch videos on it as well as listen to a helluva lot of music. I'm sure that one of these days the novelty will wear off but still... The first one I uploaded was the rather fabulous 'Lovestoned' by Justin Timberlake. I know its just computer jiggery pokery but I think its amazing. Its all sound waves/graphic equalizer looking stuff. And the song is rather catchy too. I'm a tad disappointed by iTunes though. There seems to be a lack of Beatles stuff... unless I'm just not looking in the right place. I've got most of the hits on a few compilations but I'm after Hey Bulldog which is on the Yellow Submarine album. And I'd rather just get that one track than buy the whole thing. I'm even more disappointed by the music videos section. Some of my favourite (and the most iconic) vids aren't on there. Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice, Just and Street Spirit by Radiohead, Outside by George Michael, Confide in Me by Kylie Minogue... not there. There is a way you can request them though which is what I'll do at some point. Oh well.

Once again I'm spending time online when there's other stuff I should be doing. There's ironing which has been sitting there for nigh on two weeks now. God I hate ironing.

Oh and I've handed in my notice at work. Just thought I'd drop that one in. I just can't be there any more, and I'm fed up of being depressed all the time. My boss has been such a sweetie about it. Its making it all the harder to go. God I'm going to miss her. *sigh*

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