Thursday 16 December, 2004

Unusual food

I noticed today, whilst buying toast, that our works canteen offers a 'lip barm'. What unusual and cosmopolitan food they're offering these days. Whose lips are on the barm* exactly? Are they cows lips? (har har) Maybe I'll have one for brekkie tomorrow.

The panto went really well. Most audiences were great apart from one or two who were a bit too quiet.

"Oh no it isn't!"


"Um, is it behind us?"

small voice pipes up "Yes"

Best of all were a bunch of Brownies in on the Monday night. Really taking part, shouting out at the right times but not going on for too long so we could get on with the rest of the show. And at the end as my best mate and I were duetting on 'You're Still the One' they were singing along and waving their arms. It was just like playing Wembley. Well, if Wembley was full of Brownies. And we were, like, The Spice Girls or something. Not that that's a good comparison. I mean, we can sing...

It seems strange to have my evenings back to myself again. I feel guilty that I should be doing something.

Ah who am I kidding? Its bloody great. I've been slobbing in front of the TV watching all my recorded programmes and eating Haagen Dazs. I did have my usual urge to get up and clean after watching Kim & Aggie Do America though, so I feel a little bit virtuous.

And I've been training the new girl at work all week. Two of us doing that workload. Marvellous. Poor girl will have it all to herself pretty soon though. Mwahahahahaha! Seriously though, I do feel badly that she'll be landed with it all but then I've told the bosses (numerous times) that its a two person job so if they can't be arsed getting someone in to help her then its not my problem is it? I'll offer as much help as I can but the whole reason she's been employed is to take over from me 'cause I shouldn't be doing another contractor's work. Tut. Business eh?

So, after a busy, stressful week full of emotional turmoil I'm back to my old, placid self again. Kicking back with the girls at work (one of whom got her tits out at the office party apparently - and in the Chinese Restaurant! They hadn't even got to the pub yet). See! I've missed all the works do's too. Bloody panto.

* For those in other regions a 'barm' is a bread roll/flour cake/muffin etc. Not to be confused with 'balm' which is a cream-like substance you apply to your skin eg lips. Oh, now I see...


Blogger Trinity said...

Brownies...shudder. I take Rainbows on a Tuesday with my mate Collette. 5 years old going on 32. They know it all and tell us everything that happens at home. mum down the pub, two dads, The whole works.
Well done on the panto. I'd have loved to seen you, I'd have laughed ..... hahaha xxx

10:42 pm  

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