Wednesday 29 December, 2004

Brothers eh?

Who'd have them?

This morning I opened the fridge to find a tiny, foil wrapped parcel on one of the shelves. I opened it and inside was a small morsel of left over turkey. My mum had packed us off on Boxing Day with a food parcel containing left over turkey, stuffing, xmas pud, brandy butter and her home-made mince pies. I had my turkey butties the next day but my bro only had his last night and he obviously didn't use it all as there was this chunk left in its foil in the fridge. Why????? Couldn't he have just eaten it? Or thrown it away? What did he think we could do with it? A turkey curry for a teddy bear? Turkey and ham pie for the little pixie at the end of the garden? The mind boggles.

On the plus side, I braved the drizzle to go and buy my DVD player for the princely sum of £45. Bargain.


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