Friday 31 December, 2004

Lads? night in

Surprise, surprise I was invited to a lads night in last night. There's a small group of my friends (all male) who meet up regularly on a Thursday night in Manchester to have a couple of beers, watch a film etc but I rarely go with it being a weekday. I'd love to see various films with them (we all like SF) but I never get invited so it was a surprise that after our annual get together a week ago I was asked if I'd like to join them for a curry & DVD evening. So last night was spent drinking a very large bottle of Budweiser, stuffing myself with curry (chicken something-or-other with Afghan lime rice - yummy) and sat in front of the telly. I felt like such a fat heifer afterwards. Time to start the obligatory new year diet I think. We watched mainly DVD extras for Little Britain, Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkhaban, Looney Tunes Back in Action and LOTR: Return of the King as well as part 1 of the Farscape; Peacekeeper Wars thing. Enjoyable but by 10pm I wanted to go home - partly because I felt bloated & uncomfortable but also because I'd been in work that day & had been up early. I eventually got home about 1.30am. Had a nice lie in this morning but got up to take delivery of my Deep Space Nine DVD box set. I'd decided last night that I was going to go out for a walk today to get some exercise but so far I've only been out into town for lunch. Oh well.

Work yesterday was fun for a change. It was rather quiet so we spent most of it playing silly word games. Oh and one puzzle about buying pigs & chickens for £100 which drove me mad. I got my own back though by forwarding them an 80's lyric quiz I'd been emailed months before. My boss impressed me by getting a few of the ones I hadn't managed to answer but then it turned out her sister was ringing her from home while she was on the net & giving her the answers. Cheeky bugger ;-) I even managed to leave early which was nice.

One more silly street name to add to the list too - Barff Road in Salford. Sounds like a nice place to live.....



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