Tuesday 4 December, 2007

Hard Work

Or not as the case may be since I'm still in the ranks of the unemployed. I did have an interview the other week though so fingers crossed for that (though I don't have much hope really). I'll have to sort something out soon as my finances aren't getting any better.

So yet more sitting around watching tv and doing bugger all else. I did actually go to Crosby a couple of weeks ago to see the sculptures on the beach and got some very nice pics. It certainly was windswept. Thank god I took my Thinsulate hat and gloves to keep me warm. I think I'd quite like to live in Crosby if I had wads and wads of cash. The houses around there are huge! There was one in particular that was for sale that was more or less a Victorian mansion. Massive! I did mean to look up on the net how much it was but I never did and no doubt its long since been sold by now. And the beach was only a 5 minute walk away. I'm a bit torn about where I want to live. On the one hand I'd like to live in the suburbs of a nice vibrant city, preferably Manchester of course. On the other hand though I'd love to live by the sea. I went to Bournemouth for a friend's wedding a few years ago and really liked it. Quaint but not too old fashioned and with a good vibe about it. And the weather is slightly more likely to be warm than oop North.

Crosby was very nice though, not that I saw a huge amount of it. I'll have to go back sometime and check out the town properly. I've been watching 'Escape to the Country' this morning and there were some gorgeous houses in Somerset on there. Really big old victorian houses, one decorated almost exactly how I'd want mine to be, and there was even a converted chapel which had a wonderful stained glass window in the master bedroom. *sigh* I can't do anything but fantasise at the moment though. I couldn't even afford a modest flat and that was before I quit my job. Damn.

I've been thinking about going back to temping. If only to get some money flowing into my account until I decide what I want to do for the rest of my life. The BBC are due for their move to Salford in the next couple of years and I have hopes that I'll get in there at some level. A nice admin job would do. I don't imagine I'll realise my dreams of becoming a camera operator but you never know, eh?

At least I have a workable cv now and plenty of tips on how to prepare for interviews. The only problem is my nerves have a tendency of getting to me and I burble incoherently when I get nervous. Which is what I did a bit in that interview the other week. Oh well.

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