Thursday 19 May, 2005

In the bathroom, no-one can hear you howl...

I did a very stupid thing this morning. Its that play's fault. I'm really knackered this week, what with rehearsing practically every night and doing a full time job so when I carried out my morning ablutions I was half asleep. I've been advised again not to wash my hair so that its easier to put in a 50's style. Now, I usually do it every day as I can't stand feeling greasy and skanky if I don't and it seems I've underestimated how much it wakes me up of a morning. Today I didn't bother and went straight into cleaning my teeth, slapping some deodorant on and putting my contact lenses in which involves rinsing them in saline after they've been in the solution all night. Only instead of rinsing in saline I rinsed in fresh solution (like a mild bleach), promptly put my right lens in and AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! my eye was on fire. I desperately tried to open my eye & pluck the lens out to no avail so I did the only other thing I could think of and started squirting as much saline in my eye as is humanly possible. It worked. After a while the flames calmed to a burning ember and I could get the lens out. Bastard bugger fuck! To cut a long story short I finally got into work at 10am having spent part of the morning calming myself down and attempting to get my vision back.

I rang my optitian who wasn't in but a nice lady locum assured me that I hadn't done any permanent damage and that it was a very common mistake (apparently everyone who wears contact lenses does this at one time or another). Its really saying something that I was more relieved at the latter. So its ok for me to be blind as long as I don't feel like an idiot.

Anyways, my eye is now a gorgeous shade of red and will be for the next couple of days probably. At least I'm playing a battered wife in the play so if my eye swells shut the audience will just think its really good make-up. I've just had a fabulous shower and washed my hair. Bugger the styling.


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