Tuesday 4 April, 2006

Purely exciting

How excited was I this evening when I arrived home from work. Behind the door was a card saying that my brand spanking new Pure Evoke digital radio had been delivered. Er, left under our green bottle recycling box outside the house. On the one hand I was glad I didn't have to faff about picking it up from the Post Office but on the other hand WTF WERE THEY THINKING??? Our house is on the border of a very dodgy area of Bolton. Anyone could have seen them putting it there & nicked it. Harumph! Grateful for small mercies I picked it up from underneath the box and practically ran to my room to set it up. Oooh and how lovely it is. Small, compact and bijou. I have now got more room on my bedside cabinet since the new radio has replaced my old, clunky ghetto blaster that I only used to listen to Radio 2 in the mornings anyway. I just have to find a home for it now. I'm thinking of taking it to somewhere like Cash Converters but I know they'll offer me a pittance for it. Well I suppose everyone has iPods these days don't they? Everyone except me that is. Not that I'm behind the times or anything.

So. Next on the list of gadgets to buy is a digital camera and then an iPod (or similar doohickey). Lets not rush things though, eh?


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