Friday 17 June, 2005

Popping in...

... to say hello.


I've come home for a night just to get a little break. Mum is starting to do more stuff for herself now, especially cooking, so I can come home every now and again to watch all the TV progs I've recorded and pick up my emails. Its certainly been interesting living with her again. I've watched all sorts of programmes I'd never normally watch; Born & Bred, Murder in Suburbia, The Last Detective, Flog It etc. The only one I'm seriously getting addicted to is CSI (the original though NY and Miami are ok too). Yet another thing to start watching religously.

Did my back in last weekend whilst pulling up thistles in my brother's garden. I was staying over on one of my little breaks and got bored so I decided to attack the jungle. An hour and a half later, my back hurt & my legs were wobbling. I just about managed to crawl upstairs, change into my jammies and collapse on the bed. I couldn't move. My back was agony the day after and I phoned work to say I wouldn't be in. When I did eventually stagger in the next day (should have stayed off really but I don't get paid for being off sick) everyone was kind, offering to get me a better chair, asking if I was ok. I've just about recovered but keep getting twinges every so often. What a bunch of invalids my family are! I've just done a bit more too. Pulling up the last few thistles & some other tall weeds that come up easily. Glutton for punishment.

We've recently acquired very nice new neighbours who've let us put our garden rubbish in their green bin. The council have given them to everyone in our area except us. I joked that they must have taken one look at our garden and decided we didn't need one. Never a truer word spoken in jest. Bro was supposed to phone the council this week to get them to send one over. In the meantime the neighbours have donated theirs.

And finally....

There are benefits to being a card-carrying lesbian. My regular Diva site newsletter listing new merchandise on offer made me laugh for a full 10 minutes earlier. Someone has had the bright idea of making sweets for sapphics - 'Clitoris Allsorts'. I kid you not. 'The Original Bush Tucker'. Nice. Wouldn't mind munching on a few of those so I've ordered two packets.


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