Thursday 29 January, 2009

Stupid but brilliant.

Experience the joy of Dominik the Donkey.

I should be so lucky...

I don't know how its happened but I seem to be having a lucky day today. I've been for lunch in town with bro and took the opportunity to search various sales for a dvd box set that I've been after. I'd seen the Dr Who series 2 & 3 sets in Asda just before Xmas for the bargain price of £25 but when I went back in the new year to get one they'd disappeared. I've searched a few places since including Zavvi which is in receivership or something and offering huge discounts on their stock. I hadn't had any luck so when I went in Zavvi again this afternoon I wasn't holding out much hope. But there it was, Series 2 £24.99. Hurrah! But this was the label price you see. There were further discounts to be had so when I eventually paid for it it was just under £19. *happy dance*. In another store I also found an Arctic Monkeys album that I wanted for £3.

Then I got home & checked my email to find a message telling me that I'd won £10 in last night's lottery draw. Ok, so its not going to bail me out of this recession but at least with all the other stuff its given me a happy day.

I should do something positive now to continue the trend. Searching for jobs is the obvious choice. There's one where they want someone to take photos of handbags for a living. Every girls dream you'd think but me & handbags have a love/hate relationship. I'm not a girly girl and until recently wouldn't be seen dead with a handbag but I've slowly come round to their charms and have a very small collection in my wardrobe. No media jobs around unfortunately but I've got some admin jobs to apply for instead.

Maybe there's something else I could be doing too? Like, oh I don't know, solving a series of murders involving a killer who makes miniatures of the crime scenes? With ELO's Mr Blue Sky playing in the background? No?

Sunday 25 January, 2009

I rock!

Last night I discovered the new love of my life. Our interaction was a bit shaky at first. I kept making mistakes. But the more I got into it the easier it became. That was, until I'd had a couple of beers and a couple of large glasses of wine and then it all went a bit pear shaped.

Yep, I've discovered Guitar Hero. I think I'm in love. Suddenly I *am* Pat Benatar. Well, if Pat played guitar that is. Which she doesn't. Er, so I'm probably more Neil Geraldo then?

I started with lead guitar on the Go Gos hit 'We Got the Beat' and pretty much failed miserably. I just couldn't coordinate my hands with the chords and the timing and looking at the screen and oh my. After a couple of attempts I got a little better but it wasn't until I switched to bass that I really started to improve. Handy hint for newbies then - start with bass playing. After more & more attempts I eventually graduated to rhythm guitar. Even my mate J who wouldn't normally go for such fripperies was hooked and he became a demon bass player too. Our final tour de force was 'Band on the Run' with me & K on vocals (this time it was 'Rock Band' I think) & J on bass. I think we can expect a couple of CSIs on our tail shortly. It was the perfect murder.

Monday 12 January, 2009

Late as usual

Uhm, happy new year. Anyone..... anyone.....?

Not much to say other than my hip is giving me gyp (seems to be doing that alot lately. Its my age), the new Dr Who is soooo young but I'm sure he's going to be fab, new CSI:LV starts tomorrow (wooo hoooo!), still no job, am gutted that I can't afford to go to LA this year (but then neither can any of my friends apparently) and well... life's just plodding along as normal really.

Here's hoping 2009 will be better than 2008.