Monday 29 August, 2005

Wheal meet again

So I had the bright idea of taking a Nytol tablet the other night. The rash was getting on my nerves & it felt like someone had shoved a golf ball down my throat so since the lovely Trinity said it was an allergic reaction I thought I'd take a Nytol. Just in case you've never had one, Nytol is a sleeping tablet you can buy over the counter. Some are herbal (and a bit crap) but some are anti-histamines and work a treat. So I took one of the anti-histamines. It worked really well but it seems I'm still having an allergic reaction to something. I had a minor itch this morning on my back, scratched it and felt a long lump in the middle of my back. When I looked in the mirror it was all red. It looked like I'd visited the flagellation tent at Pride. Not hugely itchy though which was strange. So maybe it isn't the shower gel after all. Hmmmmm. Back to the drawing board.

Wednesday 24 August, 2005

Sore & itchy

Ok, this is probably too much information for you but ever since I got back from Blackpool I've been having skin problems. First up was a very itchy rash on my left side just where my bra goes. Pink and swollen (oo-er) but not spotty. I looked it up on NHS Direct but couldn't figure out what it was. Probably contact dermatitis or something. AFAIK I haven't come into contact with anything I might be allergic to. The washing liquid is the same stuff we always use. Anyways, I've also had a similar reaction in a slightly more awkward/embarrassing place that I won't go into here except to say that there's no way its an STD ok!? Been feeling generally itchy on my scalp & various bits of my anatomy. Today I went for a job interview & wore some shoes that I haven't had on in ages & were killing me by the time I got home. I threw the damn things off only to get a very sore & itchy lump on the top of my left foot. The balls of my feet feel very swollen & lumpy too & now I've got a maddening itch on my right side where the waistband of my trousers is. Its the same M.O. every time - red, lumpy, warm & itchy. I'm wondering if its the new shower gel I tried on Sunday morning. I got a travel size bergamot & something from Boots as I'd run out of the usual stuff. But why didn't I just get a rash straight away? Why is it coming in drips & drabs? What the hell is wrong with me? Was it something at the hotel? Is it some other health problem entirely?


Sunday 21 August, 2005

Girl interrupted

I'm posting this just about everywhere I can with the hope of someone telling me that I'm not going insane.

Sometime last week I watched an episode of CSI Las Vegas about a beauty spa that connected two dead women who'd drunk their own urine, taken arsenic and been injected with hydrogen peroxide. Same ep also featured a dead man who's house was being fumigated. Some time later I remember looking through the Sky+ listings at what Friday nights ep would be. The synopsis was for the ep I'd just watched. I just thought that the Sky+ info was wrong so I recorded it anyway as I was in a very sunny Blackpool getting drunk when it was on. I started to watch it today and it *was* the same episode. So what is the explanation? Is it that....

1) I've got my days mixed up. New CSI is shown on, say, a Sunday night and the Friday night ep is a repeat of the new ep.
2) When I've set the Sky+ its recorded a repeat, not the new ep.
3) Channel 5 showed it last week in their 'Best of' slot.
4) I'm psychic and saw the whole episode in a vision.
5) Living TV have fucked up and shown the last episode twice (in the same 'new' slot not a repeat).

I think it is number 5 but I desperately need my mind setting at rest. Someone on the Living TV forum has told me I'm mistaken but I don't think I am. No replies yet from other people. Arrrrgh! It doesn't help that I'm knackered from the party weekend I've just had.

Don't mind me sitting here in the corner rocking myself & sucking my thumb & muttering "Chug-a-lug" repeatedly. I'm ok really.

Wednesday 17 August, 2005

Yaaaaaaay! (mark 2)


I've got my moooooney! I've got my mooooney!

I can now enjoy my weekend in Blackpool buying 'Kiss Me Quick' hats and cock rock with gay abandon.

I can also buy my mother a birthday present and enjoy the gay, lezzie, butch, femme, transgender, sequinned, soapy bear, dykey - likey, thong wearing, whistle blowing shenanigans of Manchester Pride at the end of the month without worrying that my money won't stretch to another Cheeky Vimto and a fake tattoo. Hurrah!

Tuesday 16 August, 2005

Fucking Lloyds TSB

My ex employers can just go shove it up their big black horsey arse. I need money. My current employers want to send me money. My current employers are a bit dim though and input the wrong account number. I spent half my lunchtime in the branch trying to sort out the mess. Nice lady spoke to someone on the phone who said they'd ring me back at work. They didn't ring me back.


And when I get my cash I'll be spiriting it away to another bank, namely the Co-op.

Monday 15 August, 2005


The interview was cancelled on Friday. After I'd gone to the trouble of booking a day off at short notice I got a phone call to say that it was cancelled for some rather lame reason. I guess I was asking for too much money. FYI I didn't want huge amounts - just something equal to what I'm on at the moment. Is that too much to ask? Hmph! Their loss.

So, I would've had a nice little day off today except that our assistant team leader got in a bit of a flap because she and our team leader were out of the office today. So I offered to come in. Ever the martyr.... I may swing it that I get Friday off instead, or at least the afternoon, as I'm off to sunny Blackpool for a girlie weekend of boozin & dancin. Fab. I am, as ever, hoping that I'll pull but I didn't have much success last time. I'd dragged my mates into Flamingos promising them a great night but it was absolutely dead. I couldn't understand why. It was a weekend for crying out loud!!! So we gave up and ended up in Heaven & Hell which *did* turn out to be rather groovy. I Hope we get to go again. And I hope I have the energy.

Thursday 11 August, 2005

On the up

I've got a job interview on Monday. Ulp! I haven't been on an interview in 3 1/2 years at least. Unfortunately the money isn't any more than I'm on at the moment but at least it'll make a change if I get it. Not that I'll be bothered if I don't get it. I'd rather have something with more cash.

My hormones have been sky high lately too and I've developed a pash for Marg Helgenberger of CSI. I really don't know what it is about her - some indefinable X factor - but I've been having very naughty thoughts this past week. Somewhat enhanced by a CSI slash fic site i've found too. All I can say is "Hubba hubba!". If you're at all inclined to read saucy fan fiction about the two ladies of CSI then pay a visit. It certainly stirred my coffee.

Thursday 4 August, 2005

Things I am looking forward to

1) A new job. When I get one of course. I've registered with a couple of agencies in Manchester and Pertemps seem to be the ones who are keen to get me working for them. I was offered two jobs at first but I had to turn one down as I couldn't get there on pubic transport and the other just seems to have disappeared into the ether. It was working at some kind of crime bureau and sounded dead interesting. Thanks to my new found CSI addiction I had images of working in an exciting department with a Gil Grissom type but it looks like it was not meant to be. Ah well. I've just this evening been told about two other jobs which sound downright boring in comparison, one of which is less money than I'm on already. I hope for better news soon.

2) Hunter series 2 on DVD. My fave series of all time is now out on shiny DVD, woo hoo! I've watched most of the first season now and since I got paid this week I ordered season 2 for my delectation. Its just so damn good. Hunter & McCall are great as a team and McCall kicks bottom. I love her - she was one of my first role models as a teenager. Of course, if I followed her example I'd be dressed as a prostitute & getting shot at every week.

3) A marvellous party this weekend with my chums, most of whom I haven't seen for ages. We should have been at a gathering in Ambleside a few weeks ago but it was cancelled. I'm taking my packet of Clitoris Allsorts which should amuse everybody and I plan to stock up on raspberry beer and Hooegarden (or however you spell it). Talking of which, I've read somewhere that Sainsbury's have started selling their own brand of raspberry beer so a trip to the supermarket is in order between now & Saturday. Quite when I'm going to fit that in is anybody's guess.