Wednesday 22 November, 2006

Keane as mustard

Yeeeee haaaarrrrghghh with bells on! Keane have announced new dates for next year via their official website. They're on pre-sales at the mo so get 'em while you can. On general sale on Friday for all of about 5 minutes.

Woo hooooooooooooooooo!

Yes I bought some btw. I am absolutely ecstatic, can't you tell? I was livid back in June when I tried to buy the tix that were on general release because they sold out astonishingly quickly. Now I'm doing a happy dance.

Feb and March next year are going to be busy busy. San Fran and LA, Eddi Reader in concert a few days later, Keane a week or so after that and I'm sure we've got tix for something else around then too. Rich Hall I think.

Tuesday 21 November, 2006


*taps fingers*



Weather shite where you are then?

It doesn't seem to have deterred the chavs from hanging round the bus stop outside our house. Gobshites. We're lucky if that timetable board lasts a week before being kicked in. I wish I had a paintball gun handy. Little bastards.

Got free tix to An Evening with Elisabeth Sladen at the Fab Cafe in Manchester in the post today. I've seen her before but hey, its free.... I was starting to lose faith in that mailing list. I signed up when I was still living at my mums and it took them ages to change my address. By the time my mum passed on the letters and free tix the events would have been and gone. Even now I only get the mail-outs a day or two beforehand. I was going to go to see the new Bond flick with my Bro and his mates but I haven't quite got as much enthusiasm for Daniel Craig as I had for lovely Pierce B. Pierce was my favourite Bond. I know, I know, Connery is a legend but somehow Pierce was *mine* or at least for my generation. Sort of the way your fave Dr Who is the one you grew up with. Although going with that analogy Roger Moore should be my fave Bond. No, its Pierce all the way for me.

Fave Bond film? On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Its got Diana Rigg in it. And Joanna Lumley. And the ending where Tracy cops it makes me blub every time. Waaagh!

Fave Bond theme? Live and Let Die. A classic bit of rock and pomp from Macca. Close second could be View to a Kill I think. Lots of classics to choose from. And who could resist the lyrics, "He's got a powerful weapon, he charges a million a shot..." ? Good old Lulu.

Fave Bond girl? Oooh now that's a hard one (fnarr). Diana Rigg again I think although Famke Janssen is a very very close second. Hmmm, maybe the other way round then. Diana is gorgeous but far too pristine. Famke is alot dirtier.



Sorry, where was I?

Sunday 12 November, 2006

Why am I so fucking crap?

WARNING: Late night, drunken, self pitying diatribe ahead.

Orville and I have something in common. No, not green fur and a bloke's hand up our bums but we're both very shy.

I've spent approx 1 1/2 hours in the Spirit Bar in Manchester attempting to overcome that shyness with rather rubbish results. I don't know whether its obvious to other people but sometimes takes a supreme effort of will for me to talk to people. Not people I know and have known for a long time who I'm accustomed to but complete strangers. I'm not entirely sure whether I come across as confident but if I do I must be a better actress than I give myself credit for. Today I managed to get talking to a couple of people at the con as I mentioned before. They were sat in the bar and I asked them if they were at the con and if it had been that quiet all day. When they replied I asked if I could sit with them and we had a good chin wag, easy enough to do since they were both pretty chatty and friendly. I even managed to ask a few questions in the interview panel which is not like me at all.

Tonight has been a different kettle of fish. That particular couple weren't there which was a bummer. I stood on my own for a few minutes, knowing that if I didn't want the evening to be a complete wash out I was going to have to pluck up the courage to talk to someone. There were some spare seats next to some girls and I asked if I could sit with them. So far so good. I tried to start conversations with them but the music was so bloody loud and they weren't the chatty types. They wandered off after a bit. I wondered if I should offer the spare seats to a couple of folks standing behind. In the end I plumped for a lady who, like myself, was on her own and not really managing to chat to anyone. We had a conversation of sorts. She was over from Iowa for the con, had had her pic taken with a few of the stars etc. When I went to the bar I got chatting to another girl from the US and when I went back to my seat the first set of girls had come back and I divided my time between the one sat nearest to me and the lady from Iowa.

After a while the conversation dried up. The guests were leaving (the two Julies and Di Barker) and Iowa lady went over to say bye to them. Suddenly from the middle of the crowd Victoria Allcock (Julie S) caught my eye whereupon she waved and blew me a little kiss saying she'd see me tomorrow. Mind you, she was waving to everyone and blowing kisses but just for that moment I felt more included than I had done all night. Bless her heart. Sadly that was about it for my night. The first lot of girls left too and Iowa lady followed not long after. I then decided it had all been a bit too much for me and left the bar.

So to the title of the post. Why am I so fucking crap? Why do I turn tail and run when social situations get too awkward for me?

Its like when I was at a Dr Who convention in London a few years ago and Paul Cornell introduced me to TheActressMaggieStables. She was ever so lovely, asking me where I'd travelled from etc but I was just too inept and after a while I made some lame ass excuse and ran away. I'm always making lame ass excuses and running away. Many years ago a male friend told me that several people we knew found me stand-offish. I was mortified. I told him the truth. It wasn't that I didn't like anybody, I was just so cripplingly shy that I found it difficult to talk to people sometimes. Since then I've tried to make an effort to overcome my shyness. Unfortunately every time I think I've come on in leaps and bounds I have a night like tonight and I feel like I'm back at square one.

Its not always the case that I'm socially inept. Sometimes I can just hit it off with someone immediately and its like we've known each other for years. Like the other time at a Dr Who con when I met TheActorPhilipMadoc and his wife. I felt so comfortable with them and particularly Mrs Madoc (not Ruth btw, this was his second wife) that by the end of the weekend when they gave me a big hug and a kiss, I felt like part of the family. And then there's the time when I went to my friends' wedding and got on like the proverbial house on fire with one of the bride's work mates. So much so that she was talking about us all going for a girly night out in Liverpool and I could stay at her house if I liked.

One of the chaps at the theatre I go to explained this to me once. There's some technical term for it that I can't remember. Its something to do with certain people who can tune into other people's personalities straight away and use that in such a way that makes the other person feel very comfortable. If anyone reading this knows what the hell I'm blathering on about and can tell me the name of that theory then please leave a comment. I gather its something in a psychology type vein.

I felt terribly depressed on the way home tonight. Bizarrely, its not like I'm short of friends. Somehow I must have managed to get round my shyness enough that I've got quite a wide social circle. God knows how. I texted my gorgeous best mate who told me she thought I was ever so brave going to such functions where I don't know anyone. And she can talk hind legs off donkeys! She also told me not to feel so depressed. I do feel lots better now. By the time I've got a night's sleep it'll all be behind me and I'll wonder what all the fuss was about.

And talking of a nights sleep I've probably cured any readers I have of any remnants of insomnia so I'll sign off with a thankyou to bessie mate for being so utterly lovely as usual and to TheActressVickyAllcock for blowing me that kiss.

Saturday 11 November, 2006

Bad Grills

What an utter fiasco the Bad Girls convention is.

I arrived a bit late today (noon-ish) and panicked because I thoughtI might have missed alot but I needn't have worried. The con is on in that old Manopticon* location of the hotel Piccadilly in Manchester but where we had upwards of 500 people the BG lot have probably got about 50. And that's pushing it. And we're in that same huge hall. Oh dear. Hardly anyone was around when I got there. A dozen or so people were queueing to buy photos from the table next to registration but that was about it. Nothing was happening in the main hall - not even episodes were being shown. The info boards gave details of which guests were available for pics but there was no info about interview panels except to say that Helen 'Bodybag' Fraser had been on at 10.30. Even the registration pack I'd been given was dire. I'd already been sent some bumf in the post but all I got in the pack today was the same bumf but with added pass and some mystery tokens.No explanation of what exactly those tokens were for of course. I presumed they were for autographs but they may well have been for having my pic taken with the stars. Who knows. There was a small convention booklet but that was kept seperate on the table (?) and it was ridden with so many spelling/grammar/punctuation mistakes it was laughable.

I kept wandering around aimlessly, went out for lunch, came back & sat in the bar etc for the next two hours but still nothing was happening. I eventually went out, bought a paper and sat back in the bar again but this time got talking to a couple who were also at the con. We were all having a good old bitch about the poor organisation. Apparently the previous night's events were awful too. Bugger all opening ceremony and then nothing for four hours until everyone decamped to Spirit Bar in the gay village for a piss up with the stars. Except that the bit that was cordoned off for the con party was the size of a shoe box and the guests didn't turn up until 11pm apparently.

I finally managed to find a panel that was happening but arrived about half way through. It was ok but the guests didn't seem to be mic'ed up and there was no roving mic for the fans to ask questions. It still managed to go ok though apart from two rather odd fans who managed to have a fall out mid panel and who were told to leave and sort it out (in the nicest possible way) by the guests on stage. Liz May Brice (Pat Kerrigan) wandered on after a while shortly to be followed by Antonia wotsit (Darlene Cake) and the rest of the guests left the stage, almost to complete silence if I hadn't started clapping. Myself and a few other fans managed to keep the panel going, asking questions when it went a bit quiet. Antonia was quite subdued though and eventually it ground to a halt. Well at least we'd managed to keep it going for an hour.

I've come home again now to chill out and have some tea. There's another party with the guests later tonight which I'm going to go to. I'm determined to get my money's worth. No doubt it'll be more of the same tomorrow.

Manopticon it ain't.

* Dr Who conventions in the 1990's run by me & my chums. And very good they were too.

Sunday 5 November, 2006

Most Farted

I'm not normally one for peurile fart jokes but this is fecking hilarious.

Thanks for that Jason.

Friday 3 November, 2006

More Whalley

Whalley pix

Been out at Whalley Abbey today attempting to take lovely autumnal pictures of leafy trees and ruins. Quite a few pics didn't quite turn out as well as I imagined but I don't think I did too badly. I'm most disappointed in what I thought were going to be two atmospheric shots of the moon and mist over the river that actually turned out a bit blurred. Ah well.

Swansea pix