I've thrown a sickie today. I got up this morning & decided I couldn't be arsed. So I've been surfing the net and avoiding the usual daytime TV pap, preferring to watch re-runs of Ellen and the eps of Uni Challenge & Buzzcocks I recorded the other night. I must say I've been getting a bit bored this afternoon but fortunately for the entirety of this week I've been working on a production of Hot Mikado in the evenings to keep me out of trouble. Nothing spectacular - just working a spotlight - but at times its rather complicated. Ever tried to spot three people, all singing with only two spotlights and stood too far apart to get them all at once? My, that gets fun. Apparently the stage manager, listening to mine & Jasmine's (the other spotlight operator) conversation of "Oh wait he's moved again...... which one's going to sing again?.... stay together so I can just.... oh damn, don't move over THERE!" over the theatre headsets, was pissing himself laughing. It seems me & Jas are a comedy double-act and we didn't know it. So we've been keeping the backstage crew entertained with our conversation, one-liners and singing songs from Grease over the headphones. Not that we're anything less than completely professional...